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How to: Manage restricted content in portals

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Please note: The actions described in this article require Administrator privileges, and are unavailable on Consumer profiles, and Contributor profiles without Advanced Privileges.

Canto offers three ways to restrict the availability of content in public and private portals. Each option has unique benefits, and they can be used individually or in combination to give you full control over which assets users may access. The effectiveness of content restrictions relies on the overall folder structure. To ensure that all restrictions are applied correctly, the following guides will use the terms "parent folder" and "subfolder".

Parent folders are folders that contain other folders and albums. On the content tab, they can be identified by the Delete-symbol on their right.

Subfolders are inside a parent folder. On the content tab, they appear indented and are labeled with the Visible or Invisible-symbol.

Hide a folder or album

The most straightforward method of restricting content is to hide it using the portal settings. When a folder or album is hidden, it is invisible to any user of the portal, regardless of their role or access privileges. This also applies to all content within a hidden folder. Additionally, only subfolders can be hidden, while parent folders cannot be hidden.

To hide content, follow the steps provided in the article How to: Edit an existing portal. Once you are on the portal settings, select the Content tab.

You will see a list of items currently added to your portal. Locate the folder or album you wish to hide, and click the Hide content -symbol on the right side. The symbol will change to Display content, indicating that the item is no longer visible in the portal.

The portal settings page - the hide/display content symbols are highlighted.
Please note: The option "Allow Users to View Restricted Folders & Albums" does not apply to hidden folders or albums, as they are invisible and not restricted.

Add restricted folders and albums to a portal

By default, any folder or albums which has restrictions applied to it in the Main Library, will also be effected by those same restrictions in the portal. To learn how to restrict a folder or album, please visit the article Restricted access to Folders and Albums. This behavior can be disabled by selecting "Allow Users to View Restricted Folders & Albums" at the top of the Content tab. When this setting has been activated, restricted folders and albums will be accessible inside the portal, while still remaining restricted in the Main Library.

The portal settings, with the "Content" tab active - the option to "Allow Users to View Restricted Folders & Albums" is highlighted.

Restricted content behaves differently depending on the portal's access type. Public portals do not display restricted content at all, similar to it being hidden via the Content tab in the portal settings. In private portals, restricted content acts identically to the Main Library and only appears to users with the appropriate privileges.

When managing your portal's content, you can identify restricted folders by the Restricted Folder/Ordner mit Zugriffsbeschränkung-symbol, and restricted albums by the Restricted Album/Album mit Zugriffsbeschränkung-symbol.

Please note: Subfolders and albums do not inherit restrictions from their parent folder. In the screenshot below, only the Example Folder is restricted. If any of its contents – such as the Example Album, or Second Example Folder – are added to the portal individually, they will not have any restrictions applied to them, and will be accessible to any user of the portal.

The "Add Content" overlay in the "Content" tab of the portal settings - a restricted folder is highlighted.

Adjust the asset approval status

By default, portals only display assets with the status "Approved". To change this, follow the steps provided in the article How to: Edit an existing portal. Once you are on the portal settings, the Approval Status section of the Info tab should be visible.

This section will display the three standard status included in Canto, as well as any custom status you may have created. To include assets with a specific status in your portal, activate the checkbox next to it. To exclude assets, deactivate the checkbox instead. If no approval status is selected when saving changes to the portal, the selection will default to displaying only assets with the status "Approved"

Once an approval status has been added to a portal, it functions exactly as it does in the Main Library. Please visit the article Approval Status Options, to learn more about the various approval status options and how they interact with user roles.

Please note: If an asset is not displayed in a portal, this can be due to the asset's approval status. While this can be resolved by including the specific status in the portal settings, it may be more secure to update the status of the asset via the Preview or Information Page. If multiple assets require updating, please follow the steps provided in the article Bulk Edit.

See the below video for a brief demonstration.

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