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How to: Manage user access to portals

  • Updated

    ~ minute read
Please note: The actions described in this article require Administrator privileges, and are unavailable on Consumer profiles, and Contributor profiles without Advanced Privileges.

Portals allow their users to see specific assets in your library, and are – by default – publically accessible. However, Canto provides you the option to limit access to a portal, ensuring that the information and assets shared are only accessible to approved visitors. During the creation of a portal – or at any stage thereafter – it can be switched from a public, to a private portal.

A public portal is accessible to anyone who has the portal's URL.

A private portal can only be accessed by administrators, and a list of users you select.

Quick Guide

  1. Follow the steps in the article How to: Edit an existing portal to open the portal settings.
  2. In the top section of the Info tab, under the label Access, select Private.
  3. Switch to the "User Access" tab, which has appeared to the right of the Info tab.
  4. Click the Add button to open the All Users overlay.
  5. Find the desired user on the right side of the overlay, and click their name to add them to the access list.
  6. Click OK to confirm your choice and close the overlay.
  7. If required, switch back to the Info tab to adjust the Download Content section.
  8. Click Save to apply your changes to the portal


To get started, follow the steps provided in the article How to: Edit an existing portal. Once you are on the portal settings, ensure that the Info tab is selected.

At the top of the Info tab, along with the basic information about your portal, you can see the current Access setting. By default, all new portals are set to Public. To restrict access to your portal, select Private.

The portal settings page, showing the "Info" tab - the section "Access" is highlighted.

Two additional tabs will appear at the top of the page. The User Access tab allows for the management of access for individual users, whereas the Group Access tab serves the same function for groups. As both tabs are function identically, this guide will focus on the User Access tab.

Select the User Access tab, and click the Add button to open the All Users overlay.

The portal settings page, showing the "User Access" tab - the "Add" button is highlighted.

The left side of the All Users overlay shows all users registered to your Canto instance. Find the user you wish to grant access to either by manually searching the list, or by using the search bar at the top. To add your chosen user to the access list, click on the Add-button next to their name. Once all users have been added, click OK to confirm your choice and close the overlay.

Please note: When using these steps in the Group Access tab, the left side of the overlay may be empty if you have not yet created any groups. To learn how to create groups, please visit the article Create new Groups.

The "All Users" overlay.

In order to revoke a user's access to the portal, they only need to be removed from this list. From the User Access tab, find the user you wish to revoke – either by searching manually, or entering their name in the search bar at the top – and click the Delete-symbol on the right side. Alternatively, you can find their name on the right side of the All Users overlay, and click the Remove-button.

A split image, showing the portal settings page, and the "All Users" overlay - the button to remove a user from the access list is highlighted on each side.

When a portal has been set to Private, you are not only able to manage individual user access, but can also modify the type of downloads available for different user roles. To do so, select the Info tab, and find the section Download Content.

Downloads can be disabled for all users by deselecting the checkbox next to "Allow Downloads" .

Below this are the individual download privileges for the Contributor and Consumer roles, as well as any custom roles active in your Canto setup. Selecting a checkbox grants the respective privilege, deselecting it revokes it.

The portal settings page, showing the "Info" tab - several elements are highlighted

Click the Save button in the top right corner to apply your changes to the portal.

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