Default settings affect the (initial) layout of Canto, the ability to comment or download, settings for e-mail, settings for filtering and searching, etc.
Note: The default layout settings apply only initially, i.e. immediately after logging in. Logged in users can change some of the settings at any time.
Restriction: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to adjust the default options.
User Menu Settings Configuration Options Defaults
How to set the Default settings
- The Default Settings page is displayed. If necessary, scroll to the sections that are relevant to you.
- When you have made all the settings, click Save.
Main Library Display
Specify what combination of panels the user should see after logging in.
- Display library (only content)
- Display only the folder tree
- Display only the filter panel
- Display both folder tree and filter panel
Note: The library can't be disabled.
Folder Tree Display
Set how the folder and album structure should be ordered.
Default Sort by:
Set the sorting in the folders and albums structure. You can choose between Date, Name Alphabetically, Type and Custom Sort.
Default Smart Album or Folder Display
Set which Smart Album, folder or album will be opened initially.
Default Thumbnail Size
Default Content Layout
- Default Content sort by - Set the initial sorting of assets - either by name or by date.
- Canto Default - When enabled, Smart Albums images and videos are displayed in thumbnail view, all others in list view.
- Thumbnail - When enabled, all albums are displayed in thumbnail view.
- List - When enabled, all albums are displayed in the list view.
- MasonryGrid - If enabled, all albums will be displayed in the masonry view.
Curated View - When enabled all albums will be displayed in the curated view.
Display Content as Pages
You may disable the infinite scroll feature by enabling Display Content as Pages so that your content is paginated. This would allow your assets to be previewing in pages instead which may enhance load times. You can control how many assets are displayed per page.
Sort & Display Assets by Date Field
If assets are sorted by date, choose if they’re sorted by when they were last modified (Date Modified), when they were uploaded (Date Uploaded) or when they were created (Date Created).
List View
Specify which metadata to display in the list view (maximum 8). -
Tooltip Preview Display in
Specify in which of the 3 view options (List View, Thumbnail View, Masonry Grid View) a tooltip preview is generated when you hover your mouse over a file.
Note: A preview will also be generated in Curated View when Thumbnail View and/or Masonry Grid View is/are enabled.
Tooltip Style - Preview/Information
Select the tooltip style for each file type. Choose between Preview and Information.You can also specify the information fields.
Search & Filter Panel
Advanced Search Default Options
- Search - specify the search range: either globally (in the entire Canto library), or only in the current search result.
- Combine terms - specify the operators that will be used to combine different search terms: AND or OR.
- Only within fields - Specify in which metadata fields to search.
Filter Panel Default Options
Set the operators that will be used to connect the tags or keywords when filtering: AND, OR, or NOT.
Other Options
Check out assets
Once enabled, you can specify roles that are allowed to check out assets, set the maximum checkout duration, and specify the e-mail reminder time.
Time Zone
The internal clock can be changed to any major time zone.Note: Time zone changes take effect the next time the admin logs in.
Select All - Max Files
You may define the maximum number of files that can be selected at once. The minimum is 1000 files and goes up to 10,000 files.
Email Collections and Collection Links
Set various default options for sharing collections via email.
Add Annotations on Images and Videos
If the checkbox is activated, the comment function is available.
Prevent Files from being Downloaded
If you select the checkbox, you can enter file extensions to prevent downloading of certain file types. If there are multiple file extensions you want to disable, you must use the comma as a separator.
Note: By enabling this feature you can control the file types that are permitted to be downloaded by contributors and consumers.
Save Metadata before Download
If you encounter speed issues when downloading files, you may choose to disable including metadata in the download. When you disable metadata, the download of the file happens immediately, as opposed to writing the metadata first.Note: Note that any metadata that you have added to the asset while it was in Canto (tags, keywords, descriptions, copyright information) will not be embedded alongside the asset during the download.
Folders & Albums Count
If this function is enabled, file counting counts a file that is assigned to multiple albums in this folder multiple times.When this feature is disabled, files that are assigned to multiple albums in this folder are only counted once in the file count.
Imprint Links
Imprint Links are a legal requirement in Germany for websites and online services. The imprint link feature provides German customers the ability to share information about the entity responsible for the content, as well as operations of the website, including contact details. Canto admins can activate this feature as required.
Imprint setting in Canto:
Imprint in a shared link: