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Video Transcription

  • Updated

    ~ minute read


Requirement: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to adjust the recognition settings

User menu  Settings  Configuration Options  Recognition  Videos

How to enable the transcription for videos

  1. Once the feature is enabled by your Account Manager, scroll down to Transcription for Videos and turn the feature on by checking the box.
  2. Once the feature is enabled you can monitor how many hours were used to transcribe videos. 


Note: Canto uses AWS transcription software which is run by machine learning. Captions may be transcribed with errors. However, after transcribing the video, you will have an easy to read SRT file ready for you to download, make any needed changes and can then be uploaded back into the video file. See below for more details.

How to use video transcription

  1. In the preview mode, click on the Transcribe Video icon to open the Video Transcribe options.
  2. In addition to the manual process, you will now see the automatic transcribe option as well. 
  3. Select the video's language.
  4. Click on Transcribe.
  5. If you want to upload your own subtitles go ahead and choose the desired language under Transcribe Manually and click on Upload.
  6. Click Close.


Once the process is completed, you will get a notification in Canto and an email with additional details letting you know that the analysis has been completed. 

How to make edits

You can make changes to the transcribed video within the Video Captions section which you can find on your information page (learn how to add fields to your information page). 

  1. Click on the Pen-icon in order to edit the subtitles within Canto.
  2. Edit the subtitles.
  3. Click Save.


Alternately, you can make changes to the transcribed video by:

  1. In the preview mode, click on the Transcribe Video icon to open the Video Transcribe options.
  2. Click Download.
  3. You should then have downloaded a ready to edit SRT file.
    You can use any text editor to edit the file (ie. Notepad or TextEdit). The file is timestamped. 
  4. Once you have made the necessary changes, you can click Upload to upload the SRT file with the updated captions.

How to download a video with embedded subtitles

  1. Download one of your videos as usual.
  2. In the dialog box, select MP4 with low resolution.

    Note: This feature exists only in low resolution.

  3. Activate Embed subtitles and then select a language.

  4. Click Download.

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