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Drupal Plugin

  • Updated

    ~ minute read

You can download this plugin here (download either the tar.gz or zip file).

The plugin supports Drupal versions 8, 9, and 10.
Note: For Drupal version 8.5 or higher you need to install the Media plugin (see instructions below).


  1. Within Drupal, navigate to Manage > Extend > Install new module
  2. Upload the plugin file to the section Upload a module or theme and click Install.
  3. Configure the Canto Environment in Drupal: Go to Manage > Configuration > Canto Connector.
    Select the Canto environment you will be connecting to.
  4. Next, you will need to add the Canto Connector into the toolbar of Content Editor. Go to Configuration > Textformats.
    This can be set up for both Basic and Full HTML text formats.
  5. Once in the configuration section for Basic or Full HTML, drag the Canto icon into active toolbar and save the changes:

Installation is complete!

How to use the plugin

  1. Within your article or page setup, click the Canto icon.
  2. Click + Insert Files From Canto, log in with your Canto credentials, and click Allow.
  3. Your Canto library has now loaded and the images can now be selected to add to your article/page:
    • Here you can navigate through folders, albums, and smart albums within your library.
    • The Global Search bar is available for text search.
  4. To add a single image, click on the image box (this will take you to a preview page) and click the Confirm button.
  5. You can add multiple images at once using multi-select and clicking the Select All button to insert.
  6. When you add the images, they are downloaded to the local storage and inserted into the content of the article.
    The files are locally stored in your Public file system path defined within Drupal.

Installing the Media plugin within Drupal

For Drupal version 8.5 or higher you need to install the Media plugin.

  1. Navigate to Extend > List
  2. Locate Media and make sure it is activated.
  3. Click Install at the bottom of the page.

Latest release

The latest version of the plugin now supports storing images within the Media module included with Drupal 8.5 or higher.

Inserted Canto assets will now be added to the Media section.

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