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Metadata that will be saved in a file when downloading

  • ~ minute read

When downloading an image from Canto the following metadata fields will be saved within the file:

  • Canto Author (in Photoshop this information can be found under Author)
  • Description (in Photoshop this information can be found in Description)
  • Keywords (in Photoshop this information can be found in Keywords)
  • Tags (in Photoshop this information can be found in Keywords)
  • Smart Tags (in Photoshop this information can be found in Keywords)
  • Copyright (in Photoshop this information can be found in Copyright Notice)
  • Terms & Conditions (in Photoshop this information can be found in Rights Usage Terms)

Note: In Photoshop you can find an asset's information under File > File Info ...

As an administrator you can disable saving metadata when downloading from Canto for various file types under Settings > Configuration Options > Defaults 

How to write back custom metadata on download

Using the same feature that allows you to read and map IPTC/EXIF/XMP metadata to custom fields, you can now choose to also write back Canto custom fields data to the same IPTC/EXIF/XMP standard metadata on download. 

  1. Navigate to
    User menu > Settings > Configuration Options > Custom Fields > Metadata Mapping
  2. Check Write Settings and click Add.
    Or edit an existing entry.

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