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Custom Configuration - Overview

  • Updated

    ~ minute read

The custom configuration pages allow you to customize your Metadata Editor (Upload & Bulk Edit), Preview Page , Information Page and Filter Panel.

Requirement: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to adjust your configuration.

User Menu Settings  Configuration Options  Custom Configuration

How to set your individual configurations

Each tab is divided into two sections, Layout and Fields

  • The layout area contains the metadata fields that are displayed on the respective page.
  • The fields area contains the metadata fields that are still available for the respective page but are currently not displayed there.


  1. Move all the metadata fields which should be displayed from the Fields area to the Layout area by clicking the + icon.
  2. You can also remove fields from your layout by clicking on the x-symbol. The removed field will populate under the fields section.
  3. You may drag and drop any field in your layout area to adjust the arrangement of the fields.
    Note: Fields that are collapsed (minimized) in the layout area are also initially minimized on the respective
    page but can easily be opened.
  4. Click Save to apply your settings.

Metadata Editor (Upload)

The metadata editor allows you to select which metadata fields are available to edit upon upload.

You have the options to Reset your provided information, to Skip the process altogether and to Apply the metadata.
Note: Closing the window has the same effect as the Skip button. 


You can mark fields that should be set as Required Fields (under Settings  Configuration Options  Upload Settings). If you set at least one field as a requirement the skip button will be replaced with a cancel button and thus closing the window will also cancel the process.


Note: Make sure that you enabled the pop up setting.


If Custom Fields have been categorized into sections, you can then add the Custom Field section as a separate field in the editor. Custom Fields that are not assigned to a section would populate under the Custom Field field. 

Metadata Editor (Bulk Edit)

The Metadata Editor allows you to select which metadata fields are available to edit in your library when multiple assets have been selected (bulk edit).


Preview Page

The Preview Page allows you to select the metadata available when previewing any asset in Canto.

Information Page

The Information Page tab allows you to select the sections available for the information page when viewing your assets.

Here the fields have a wider area to be displayed in, so you move fields around vertically as well as horizontally.


Filter Panel

The Filter Panel tab will allow you to select which fields are available to filter your library by.


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