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Restricted access to Folders and Albums

  • ~ minute read

Restriction: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to make these adjustments.


  • You can have a maximum of 50 restricted folders and albums at any given time.
  • You can give access to a maximum of 10 users and 100 groups per folder/album
  • When you restrict the access to a folder or album, all of the assets it contains will also be affected by the restriction. These assets will therefore be removed from other folders or albums that still contained them.

    However, if you later restrict the other album/folder to a different user, you can reassign the same image to that album/folder so that it can eventually be found in both locations (while the original album/folder and the second album/folder are restricted to different users).

Library > Folder/Album > Show detailed information > Permission

How to restrict access to folders and albums

  1. In the Folder and Album tree, select the folder or album for which you want to restrict access.
  2. Click the View detail information icon below the folder and album tree.
  3. On the information page, go to the Permissions section.
    Initially, no restrictions are set, thus all users can see the folder/album.
  4. Check the Restrict to Admin(s) Only checkbox to hide the folder/album from all users who are not administrators.Once you have limited the visibility to administrators, you can share the folder/album with other users and/or groups.
  5. Select the Restrict to specific Users & Groups checkbox, and select the desired users or groups from the drop-down list.
  6. Click Save to complete the process.
  7. A pop-up will appear showing how many restricted folders/albums you have remaining.

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