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Edit Brand Templates in Canto

  • ~ minute read

You can access and edit Brand Templates uploaded to Canto by graphic designers without the need to use InDesign. To access these templates you must have access to the main library or portal where those are stored. Brand Templates are automatically categorized into the Documents SmartAlbum, and their thumbnails are labeled with a BT icon.

How to edit Brand Templates

  1. Open the Brand Template in preview.
  2. To edit a Brand Template select the Edit button in the top right corner of the asset preview screen.
  3. You will be able to edit certain parts of the Brand Template depending on permissions from the Designer assigned in the InDesign file.
    Elements which can be changed can be selected with the mouse and will be highlighted in blue.
  4. When an element is selected you can adjust its formatting.
  5. You can use the icons in the upper left-hand corner to switch between pages, add images or text.
    Note: As a consumer-level user the changes are not permanent. Be aware that contributors could overwrite the intended template depending on the settings under Privileges.
  6. After editing a file a user can choose to Save or Download the file.
    To save the file, select the save icon at the top of the page.To download a file select the download button in the top right corner of the page.

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