- Installation
- Configuration
- How to set up Brand Templates in InDesign
- How to delete Brand Templates in InDesign
Pre-Conditions: Your Canto account needs to be connected to PrintUI and the PrintUI extension needs to be installed within InDesign.
To create Canto Brand Template files in InDesign you need to install the PrintUI extension first:
- macOS: https://team.canto.global/b/LEVIM
- Windows: https://team.canto.global/b/VRCB8
Please contact your Canto Account Manager to receive the necessary PrintUI credentials.
After the installation is complete, you need to log in once.
- Open InDesign.
- Go to Window Extensions PrintUI Management.
- Click on the little menu icon within the PrintUI Management extension in InDesign.
- Select Enter Login Credentials.
- Enter the PrintUI Email and Password, which you have received from your Canto account manager.
- Click on Login.
How to set up Brand Templates in InDesign
- Open your InDesign document that you would like to add to Canto as a Brand Template.
- Navigate to the Setup tab within the PrintUI Management.
- Click on Initialize Template to convert an InDesign document for use for Brand Templates. When the template is initialized, a Background Layer is created.
Note: Please make sure that your InDesign document does not includes any hyphens (-) otherwise the template will not working after the upload.
The designer may choose what is editable by those who receive the document.
- Layers, objects, and frames that are meant to be fixed, and not editable must be moved into the Background Layer.
Do not remove or rename this layer.
Note: If multiple pages are used each will have a Background layer.
- Layers and objects where the content is meant to be editable but isn't supposed to be moved, resized, or rotated must be Locked. You can (un)lock a layer by clicking the right box.
Locked Layers: Objects can be edited (replaced, resized, moved, and rotated) inside the frame, but the frame itself can not be moved or resized.
- Background layer: Nothing in this layer can be edited.
Note: Brand Templates do not support embedded images! Use local images, when creating your InDesign document that will later be used as a Brand Template in Canto.
Text Fields
Customizable text areas can be set with constraints to prevent users from entering invalid data or stray from guideline requirements.
Set font size
Under the PrintUI Frame Options, you may control the font size of text.
- Open Window Extensions PrintUI Frame Options.
Activate Fill Text Frame.
- Set a min and max text size.
- Additionally under Content Validation you can allow only specific text to be entered such as phone numbers, email addresses, dates, or URLs.
The same applies for images. If you would like to limit the editing ability you can:
- lock the layer
- use the PrintUI Frame Options (min and max resolution)
- move images into the background layer.
When setting up fonts you will need to be aware that the software only supports Windows compatible TrueType fonts (TTF) and OpenType fonts (OTF).
Fonts that are not supported include Postscript fonts, Mac .dfont files, and .ttc fonts.
You may also upload fonts that are not installed in your InDesign program by going to the Uploaded Fonts tab and uploading your own fonts.
Note: Adobe OTF fonts may not necessarily work. Google TTF fonts will work with the software. Please refer to this article if you experience any issues.
After creating the template, Preflight the document using the management panel. The Preflight feature acts as a check-list for users to identify what issues may need to be corrected and how to correct these errors. Once the document is error-free, upload the file to Canto from within InDesign.
How to delete Brand Templates in InDesign
Depending on your plan with Canto, you may have a limit on how many Brand Templates you can use. To free up space you can do the following:
Go to the PrintUI Management window.
- Click on Templates.
- Select the template you would like to delete.
- Click on Remove Template.
Note: The InDesign file will still reside in your Canto library. The Brand Template feature will be disabled. You may choose to keep the file in your Canto library or you may manually delete the asset.
If you were to delete the Brand Template in your Canto library first without removing the template in the PrintUI plug-in the template will still be synchronized back to CantoI.