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HEX Code Recognition

  • ~ minute read

Restriction: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to (de)activate or make changes to the HEX Code Recognition settings.

User Menu > Custom Configuration > Recognition > Hex Color Code Recognition

How to set up HEX Color Code Recognition

  1. Activate Detect and Label HEX Color Codes in Images.
  2. Set the maximum of labels to be detected.
  3. Click Recreate HEX Code Labels if you made changesthis can take some minutes.
  4. If you mapped it to a Custom Field you can see the detected colors in the preview or on the information page of your asset (depending on your settings).
    Note: The custom field's field type has to be label.
  5. Click Save to confirm the settings.

How to filter your library using HEX Codes

  1. First you need to make sure that the field HEX shows up in your Filter Panel.
  2. Navigate to Settings > Configuration Options > Custom Configuration > Filter Panel. Click the plus icon next to HEX if it is not already in your Layout column.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Head over to your library and open the filter panel.
  5. Under HEX you can select your desired colors from the list. You can also add new ones by typing in the corresponding HEX Code (items will be suggested with a preview) and pressing Enter or clicking the plus icon. 

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