If you are having trouble with Canto Connect, our service team might request the app's log files. You can locate the file on your system by referring to the below section that corresponds to your operating system and Canto Connect version.
on macOS
The log files for the current version of Canto Connect can be found in your user folder, at the following location.
Users\[Your Username]\Library\Application Support\canto-connect\logs\
The Canto Connect (Legacy) log files can be found in your user folder, at the following location.
Users\[Your Username]\Library\Containers\Canto Connect\Data\Documents\Logs\
Please note: By default, the Library is hidden. You can make it visible using one of the following methods.
on Windows
The log files for the current version of Canto Connect can be found in your AppData folder, at the following location.
C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Roaming\canto-connect\logs\
The Canto Connect (Legacy) log file can be found in your AppData folder, at the following location.
C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\Temp\adv_uploader.log
Please note: By default, the AppData folder is hidden, but you can access it using either of the following methods.