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How to: Migrate InDesign links to Canto using the Canto Adobe Connector

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    ~ minute read

By default, InDesign does not insert the full resolution version of an asset into a project. Instead, it creates a scaled representation that is linked to the asset's original file, and only retrieves the full asset when printing or exporting the project. While this helps to reduce document size, it also requires that the original files always remain in the same place.

If you have projects that were created with assets originally stored locally, but which have since been moved to Canto, you can easily update those links using the Canto Adobe Connector.

Quick Guide

  1. Open the InDesign document containing linked graphics, for which the original assets have been moved from your local system into the Canto Main Library.
  2. Ensure that the Canto Adobe Connector panel is visible, and that you are logged in.
  3. At the top of the Canto Adobe Connector, select "Tools".
  4. In the "Tools" section, click on "Migrate Links".
  5. In the pop-up "Search links by name in Canto?", click "Yes".
  6. In the pop-up "Compare file path when link was found by name?", click "Yes" if the Canto Connector was used to import the linked assets into Canto, or click "No" if any other method was used to upload the assets.
  7. The time required for this process will vary based on the number of linked assets and the size of your Main Library. Another pop-up will confirm successful migration.


When an InDesign document contains graphics linked to assets that are no longer available at their original location, InDesign will automatically display a warning stating "This document contains a link to a missing source". Alternatively, graphics with missing links can be identified by the Missing Link-symbol in the "Links" panel and on the canvas. If the linked assets have been uploaded to Canto, they can easily be re-linked using the Canto Adobe Connector plugin for the Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you do not yet have this plugin installed, please follow the instructions in the articles "Install the Canto Adobe Connector" and "Use the Canto Adobe Connector with InDesign" before continuing.

Once you have opened your document in InDesign, open the Canto Adobe Connector panel and select "Tools".

The Canto Adobe Connector in Adobe InDesign - the "Tools" tab is highlighted.

In the "Tools" menu, click on "Migrate Links".

The Canto Adobe Connector in Adobe InDesign - the button "Migrate Links" is highlighted.

A pop-up will appear, asking if you want to "Search links by name in Canto?", click "Yes".

Please note: In order to migrate a link, Canto Adobe Connector extracts the original file name of the asset from the existing link, and searches the Main Library of the connected Canto tenant for an asset with a matching file name. If the asset's file name in Canto has been changed, and no longer matches the original file name it was linked to in the InDesign document, the link cannot be migrated. If the file name of the original asset has been assigned to a different asset in your Canto Main Library, this asset will replace the one currently linked in the InDesign document.
The Canto Adobe Connector in Adobe InDesign - the first pop-up of the migration process is displayed.

A second pop-up will appear, asking if you would like to "Compare file path when link was found by name?". If the asset was uploaded to your Canto library using Canto Connect – Canto's desktop application, available for both macOS and Windows – you can click "Yes" to ensure a more accurate search. If any other method was used to upload the asset, click "No" instead.

The Canto Adobe Connector in Adobe InDesign - the second pop-up of the migration process is displayed.

The Canto Adobe Connector will now search the connected Main Library for the matching asset, and insert a link to into the InDesign document. A final pop-up will appear to let you know that the process has been completed.

Please note: The duration of the link migration process varies, depending on the amount of linked graphics in the document, and the size of your Main Library.

You can verify which links have been corrected by checking the icons next to the graphics on the canvas and in the "Links" panel. Additionally, you will be able to see which assets are linked to your Main Library by selecting the "Assets" tab in the Canto Adobe Connector.

The Canto Adobe Connector in Adobe InDesign - the "Assets" tab is selected and the link icon next to the graphic on the user interface is highlighted.

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