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AWS tests to analyze System Performance

  • ~ minute read

In order for Canto to test network performance issues we have two tests that we would kindly ask you to complete. Once done, we can review the data and send it to AWS for further analysis. 

Test Number One

  1. Open Chrome or wherever you typically use Canto from. 
  2. Log in to Canto 
  3. Press F12 on your keyboard (or 3 dots menu, select More Tools > Developer Tools) and it will open the Developer Tool kit as shown below.
  4. You will need to provide the value for response header “x-amz-cf-id” from your location.
  5. The format will look like the following example: "Xy8k6mLit6EW6JseV5kOgxvuMbWKjWoxrKDNsRaUryG6w6v0MjOPBQ==".
  6. In order to find the “x-amz-cf-id” go to the Network tab in the Developer tools and view the headers on the right-hand side. There you will see the “x-amz-cf-id”. As shown below.
  7. Copy the “x-amz-cf-id” and send it to Canto.

Test Number Two

Please open the following testing tool in Chrome from your typical work location:

You will then be able to test AWS CloudFront network issues with the following steps.

  1. In Chrome, press F12 on your keyboard to open the Developer Tools (or 3 dots menu, select More Tools > Developer Tools).
  2. Enter an email and then click Test.
  3. Once done, within the Developer Tool go to the Network tab, right click any URL and select Save all as HAR with content. Then you can save the .har file to your computer.
  4. Find the .har file, right click the file and choose compress (create a zip file) and send it back to Canto for review.


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