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Relate Files

  • Updated

    ~ minute read

How to relate files

  1. Select the files you would like to relate to each other.
  2. Tap the More-icon (three vertical dots) in the toolbar.
  3. Select Relate Files.
  4. Optionally you can create a group name for the related files.
  5. Click Select Primary and specify which file(s) to mark as primary.
    When a Primary asset is selected in the library, it will show all other assets that are related to it. Non-Primary assets will only show the Primary asset they are related to. You can have more than one Primary asset in any relation grouping.

  6. Click on Save. The selected files will be set as related files.

  1. Tap on a thumbnail to open up an asset's preview.
    1. Tap the More-icon (the arrow icon) in the toolbar and select View Metadata.
      Alternately you can also swipe up to access the asset's metadata.
  2. Locate Related Files and tap on it to expand this section.
    Note: If you do not find the field, go to your browser version and check your metadata settings.

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