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Install the Canto Office Connector manually as an Office 365-User

  • Updated

    ~ minute read

You can easily install the Canto Office Connector for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Word by going to the Office Store in the ribbons section of your Office app. Or you may also directly go to the Microsoft Store to download the add-in from there.


The Canto Office Connector can also be installed manually, should you encounter any issues with the automatic installation.

Manually, it can be installed in two ways:

  • As an Office 365 admin to make it available for all users within the company
  • As an Office 365 user to make it available for this particular computer and user


The necessary XML file can be downloaded here.


Note: The Canto Office Connector is an add-on feature. Please contact your Canto Account Manager for more details.


How to install as an Office 365 user


  1. Create a folder on your hard drive to host the Canto Office Connector file. It is recommended to avoid special characters or spaces. Ideally, it should simply be called CantoOfficeConnector.
  2. Download the manifest XML file and save it in the just created folder.
  3. Right-click on that folder and go to PropertiesSharing and click on Share...

  4. Within the Network access window, add yourself and any other users or groups with whom you want to share the Office Connector. You will need at least Read/Write permission to the folder to do so. After you have finished choosing people to share with click on the Share button.
  5. Now, make note of the network path, you are going to need it soon.

    Attention: When using the copy feature, back slashes "\" might automatically be converted to forward slashes "/". In this case, you need to manually change them to back slashes again.
  6. Click on Done and then on Close to close all dialogs. 
  7. Open a new Word document or PowerPoint presentation.
  8. Go to File  Options  Trust Center  Trust Center Settings..  Trusted Add-in Catalogs.
  9. Paste the copied network path into the Catalog Url field and click on Add catalog.

  10. Afterward, activate the Show in Menu checkbox and confirm by clicking on OK.
  11. Restart your Office application to enable the new add-in. 



  1. Open Finder and create two weffolders on your hard drive to host the Canto Office Connector file:
    • For Word: 
    • For PowerPoint:
  2. Download the manifest XML file and save it in both wef folders. 
  3. Open a new Word document or PowerPoint presentation.
  4. Go to Insert  Add-ins  My Add-ins and select the Canto Office Connector.
    Attention: The connector will only appear in the drop-down menu after clicking on the little arrow. It will not show up in the Add-ins dialog window.


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