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Edit Users

  • ~ minute read

Restriction: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to make these adjustments.

User Menu > Settings > Users & Groups > Users

In the overview you can see the user's name, if they are assigned to any group, their e-mail address, what role they have and if they are registered (see status options below).

How to edit Users

  1. Find the user who's role you would like to edit.
  2. Click on the Pen-icon to edit.
  3. A menu will be displayed where you can change the details assigned to that user (name, Email address, role, groups).
  4. Note: Depending on the role the user is assigned the options vary.
    For example:
    - It is possible to limit the time a consumer-level user can access your Canto instance.
    - The Access settings differ depending on the user level
  5. Click Save at the bottom of your screen.

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