Requirement: You must be logged in as an administrator or as a contributor with the corresponding privilege (Manage External Connections) in order to disconnect connections to storage services. You can disconnect from a storage service in general, or you can disconnect from individual folders.
User Menu Settings Links & Connections External Connections
How to remove Connection to File Storage Services
To remove a connection from a third-party file storage service (Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, SharePoint):
- Click on the icon for the integration that you would like to remove.
- To unlink a folder, click on the unlink icon in the Actions column for the folder in question and confirm the subsequent confirmation prompt.
- If there are any integrations, they can be removed by clicking the Disconnect button.
- You will see the following dialog box. Click Yes to disconnect the connection and you're all set!
The connection to the selected folder or storage service will be terminated, new content will no longer be imported to Canto. Already imported folders and files are preserved! However, the top imported folder will no longer display the logo of the corresponding storage service.
You can disconnect connections that you have set up yourself (My Connections), as well as those that other administrators have set up (Other Users).