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Migrate files from Egnyte

  • ~ minute read

Restriction: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account or have the corresponding right (Manage External Connections) in order to sync your Egnyte account with Canto.

User Menu >  Settings > Links & Connections > External Connections

How to set up a sync between Egnyte and Canto

You can sync your Egnyte folders and migrate your content to Canto.

  1. Select the Egnyte icon.
  2. Click Connect. 
    A dialog box will appear for you to enter your Egnyte web address.
  3. After clicking Continue you will be prompted to a new window titled API Request Authorization.

    Note: If the page didn’t open, it was blocked by a pop-up blocker in your browser. Either adjust your browser’s pop-up settings or allow the page to open.
  4. Click Allow Access to accept the integration.
  5. Click Continue back on Canto’s page.
  6. Choose the folders which you would like to sync.
  7. Click Allow.
    The files will then be viewable in Canto in the Egnyte folder and labeled with the Egnyte logo.
    Note: When you first sync your status may depict the following:


Once the synchronization is complete, you have the following options:

  • You can unlink the Egnyte folder (icon).
  • You can synchronize the folder manually (icon )
  • You can turn the Auto-Sync function off and on again (icon ).
  • If Auto-Sync is enabled, the function will be executed every 24 hours.

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