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How to: Manage Product Groups

  • Updated

    ~ minute read

Groups help bring together individual attributes into a single, cohesive structure. This allows you to organize product information, such as physical dimensions, item specifications, part data, and more. Canto PIM uses two types of Groups.

  • Attribute Groups
    Attribute Groups can contain any non-Image Attribute. By adding an Attribute Group to a Product Type, you can change the Attributes associated with the Product. Adding Attribute Groups to Product Views determines which Attributes will appear on the Product Details tab.
  • Image Groups
    Image Groups can only contain Image Attributes, and function as micro-gallery templates for Catalogs. A Product can make use of multiple Image Groups at the same time, but which Image Groups are visible depends on the Product View assigned to the respective Catalog.

Please note:

The actions described in this article require Administrator privileges, and are unavailable on Consumer and Contributor profiles.

Create a new Group

Click on "Admin" in the top right corner, then select "Product Info".

The Product Hub - several elements are highlighted.

On the Product Info page, select the "Groups" tab. You will now see a table showing you how many Attribute and Image Groups the Product Hub currently has. To create a new Group of either type, click either on "Attribute groups" or "Image groups". As the steps for both are virtually identical, this guide will continue with the "Attribute groups" option.

The Product Info page, the "Groups" tab is visible - several elements are highlighted.

Click on "Add Group".

The Attribute Groups page - the "Add Group" button is highlighted.

Give the new Group a name . This name must be unique, and cannot already be in use.

You may then add any already existing Attributes to the Group by selecting the checkbox next to their name. If the list is too long to easily navigate, you can use the "Filter" field above the list to display only Attributes that match a specific word or phrase.

Please note:

The list of available Attributes may not show all Attributes created in the Product hub. This can be for two reasons.findme

  • The Attribute is already assigned to a different Group

    Each Attribute can only be assigned to a single Group. To assign an Attribute to a new Group, it must first be unassigned from its current Group.

  • The Attribute has a different type than the current Group

    The Attributes shown in this list always match the Group type being created. For example, Image Attributes will not be available when creating an Attribute Group, and non-Image Attributes will not be available for an Image Group.

Once you are satisfied with your selection, click "Add Group" in the top right.

The "Add Group" page - several elements are highlighted.

Manage an existing Group

Please note:

Groups can be edited or deleted even if in use, which may alter or remove associated Product Details from affected Products. Deleted Groups are not sent to the Trash, and cannot be recovered. The "General" Group cannot be renamed or deleted.

Find a Group

In order to manage a Group, open the Product Info page, select the "Groups" tab, and select the type of the Group you want to manage.

The Product Info page, the "Groups" tab is visible - several elements are highlighted.

Find your Group in the list, or use the "Filter" field above to show only Groups containing Attributes that match a specific word or phrase.

The Attribute Groups page - the "Filter" field is highlighted.

Add Attributes

Click the Ellipsis-icon to the right of your Group, and select "Add Attributes" from the menu.

The Attribute Groups page - several elements are highlighted.

Find the desired Attributes in the list – as before, you can use the "Filter" field above the list to display only Attributes that match a specific word or phrase – then select the checkbox next to them.

Once you are satisfied with your selection, click "Add Attribute(s)" in the top right.

The "Add Attribute(s)" page - several elements are highlighted.

Rename a Group

Click the Ellipsis-icon to the right of your Group, and select "Rename Group" from the menu.

The Attribute Groups page - several elements are highlighted.

Enter the new name for the Group, then click "Save".

The "Editing Attribute Group: Product Info" page - several elements are highlighted.

Delete a Group

Please note:

Deleting a Group will not automatically delete its associated Attributes. Instead, Attributes of deleted Groups simply have their Group set to "None".

Product Details linked to those Attributes will still be stored, and the original value will be shown again in the Product Details tab if they are re-assigned to a different Group associated with the same Product.

Click the Ellipsis-icon to the right of your Group, and select "Delete Group" from the menu.

The Attribute Groups page - several elements are highlighted.

Click "OK" on the dialog to confirm your choice.

The Attribute Groups page - a confirmation overlay is highlighted.

Move Attributes between Groups

Hover your mouse cursor over the Attribute that you want to move to a different Group, then click the Ellipsis-icon next to the data type-indicator. Select "Change Group" from the menu.

The Attribute Groups page - several elements are highlighted.

Select the new Group from the drop-down menu, then click "Change Group".

The "Change Group" page - several elements are highlighted.

Remove an Attribute from a Group

Hover your mouse cursor over the Attribute that you want to remove from the Group, then click the Ellipsis-icon next to the data type-indicator. Select "Remove" from the menu.

The Attribute Groups page - several elements are highlighted.

This step can be repeated for multiple attributes in multiple groups. To undo the accidental removal of an Attribute, click "Cancel" at the top. Otherwise, click "Save".

The Attribute Groups page, a confirmation dialog is visible - the "Save" button is highlighted.

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