When downloading an image file, users can either download the file as is or edit the image with advanced options prior to downloading it.
You can find the download icon in the thumbnail or in the tool bar if you would like to download in bulk.
In the preview you will find the icon above your asset.
After clicking on the download icon, the advanced options will generate along with the preview of the image. The advanced options for image downloads are:
Downloading in JPEG - 72 DPI or JPEG - 300 DPI (note that if the original quality of an image is below those settings, they won’t be available to choose).
Note: You will be able to download in TIFF format but only in RGB format.
Custom: Crop
With this option you will be able to crop your image to your liking. Located below the image is a bar detailing height and width, and desired dimensions on the cropped image.
- In Freeform mode, you can zoom in in order to keep the original aspect ratio.
Note: When the lock icon is closed, changing the height or width will automatically change the other parameter according to the current aspect ratio. - In the ratio modes, you may adjust the shot and dimension of your image. By changing the aspect ratio of your image, you can render your image in different orientations.
- When you download your image, you can choose between formats (JPEG or PNG), choose a color space (RGG or CMYK) and dots per inch (72 DPI or 300 DPI).
- In Freeform mode, you can zoom in in order to keep the original aspect ratio.
Custom: Resize
You can use this option to define the optimum size of the image. A corresponding toolbar is displayed below the preview.
Note: When the lock icon is closed, changing the height or width will automatically change the other parameter according to the current aspect ratio.
Custom: Compress
With this option you can compress the size of the photo to help save space or to meet certain restrictions. Please note that compression may affect the color and overall quality of the asset.
Note: The red frame is only for orientation and shows the enlarged area, which should indicate the quality differences. This function does not crop the image.