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Text-based Watermarks

  • Updated

    ~ minute read


Restriciton: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to set up watermarks.


User Menu  Settings  Configuration Options  Digital Rights Management  Watermarks

You can create text-based watermarks that you can assign to images.
These watermarks are visible to consumers and anonymous visitors throughout your library, in portals, style guides, and on images you share via a link.


How to set up text-based Watermarks

  1. Enter a name and (optionally) a description for the watermark.
  2. Select Text from the drop-down list under Type.
  3. In the Watermark field, enter the text to be used as a watermark (e.g. CANTO).
  4. From the drop-down list in the Color field, select whether the text should be displayed Light or Dark.
  5. Click Add.

The watermark has now been added, and can be further edited and positioned by selecting the pencil icon.


How to set the Position and Size for a text-based Watermark

  1. You can change the name, description, text of the watermark and its color.
  2. Set the position of the watermark on the image and the watermark text size. You can choose a size between 1% and 100%.
    Set the watermark to be displayed Diagonal and Tiled.
  3. Click Save after making the necessary changes.

To delete a watermark, select the trash icon.


For instructions on applying watermarks, please see here.

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