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Set up Self-Registration

  • Updated

    ~ minute read
Restriction: You need to be signed in using an administrator's account in order to set up the self-registration option.

User Menu  Settings Users & Groups Self-Registration Configuration/Form 


With Self-Registration enabled, you can allow new users to register themselves for the main library or a portal.


How to set up Self-Registration

  1. Enable Self-Registration by checking the box.
    When Allow Self Registration is activated you will see two tabs – Configuration and Form.
  2. Fill in the details for the configuration.
  3. New users will need to validate themselves before having access to the account. There are three ways for them to do this:
    • Email Domain
      New users with a specified domain in their email address will be able to register on their own (for example, entering "" will allow any email address with that domain access per your Self-Registration settings).
    • Invitation Code
      Administrators can distribute an invitation code through email or a secure messaging channel. New users will be prompted to enter the code when they try to register. Invitation codes are automatically generated, they cannot be customized.
      Note: Email Domain and Invitation Codes may be used at the same time for Self-Registration.
    • Access Request
      Setting this option will allow Administrators to review requests to either the Main Library or a Portal before granting access to the application. Requesters will be prompted to fill out their First Name, Last Name, Email, Display Name, and a comment. The admins get an email notification when a request is made.
      Note: An admin MUST approve a request for the user to gain access to Canto. Access Requests can be managed from the Users page. 
  4. It is possible to limit the self-registration function to a certain period of time.

    • If the Never checkbox is disabled, you can set an expiration date after which self-registration is no longer possible.
    • If the Immediately checkbox is disabled, you can set a start date for self-registration.
  5. You can add additional registration configurations by clicking on the "+"-symbol in the top right of the "Register for" section. You may have to scroll down on the page to see the additional configuration.
  6. Click Save to complete the configuration.


How to customize the Self-Registration Form

  1. Make sure that AllowSelfRegistration is active so that the tabs are getting displayed. Switch to the Form tab. Already defined fields are displayed in the list.
  2. To add a new field, enter a fieldname and description (optional).
  3. Select the Required checkbox to make the field a required field and specify the fieldtype. You can choose between text, number, date/time, singlechoice and multiplechoice. For single choice and multiple choice, you must also enter the options available for selection.
  4. Click En to specify language-specific display names and descriptions for the new field (see below). Language-specific names and descriptions are displayed if the registering user has set the appropriate language as the browser language.
  5. Click Add to add the new field to the form.


You can change the order of fields in the form with the arrow icons.

You can edit fields (name, description and mandatory field.

You can delete self-defined fields (icon ).


  • The order of the FirstName and LastName fields cannot be changed.
  • The 4 fields FirstName, LastName, Email and Comments cannot be deleted.
  • The name and description of the FirstName and LastName fields cannot be changed.


How to define Language-Specific Names and Descriptions

When you click En, a dialog for entering language-specific display names and descriptions is displayed.

  1. Click in the Language field and select from the list the language for which you want to set the name and description.
  2. Type in a Field Name (and optionally a description) in the selected language.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 for additional languages, if necessary.
  5. The defined language-specific names are displayed in the lower part of the dialog.
    Note: Language-specific names (and descriptions) that have already been defined can be edited or deleted again using the corresponding icons.
  6. When you have defined or edited all language-specific names, click Save to apply your settings.


For instructions on how new Consumer users can register themselves, please visit the article Self-Registration for new Users.


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