Canto Version 5.3
Facial Recognition
How to use facial recognition in Canto - canto
Using Amazon’s powerful Rekognition service, Canto now supports Facial Recognition. Users can now apply labels to faces and search and filter images by faces.
Note: Due to some company’s privacy concerns, Facial Recognition must be enabled by your Canto account manager upon request. This can be done at no additional charge.
Preview Page Customization
The File Preview Page can now be customized to allow users to see the metadata that’s most relevant to their media library.
Preview Metadata Information Without Opening a File
Enable the Tooltip and select Information Preview Style from the Settings / Configuration / Defaults page and users can now see the metadata by just hovering the mouse over the file.
Filter Panel Customization
Admins can now customize the filter panel by choosing which metadata fields can be applied as Filters. This feature is available in the Main Library and Portals.
Upload Link Notifications
When setting up an Upload link, Admins can choose who can receive Upload Link notifications. This could be either all Admins or just a few Users or even Groups.
Add Custom Fields to List View
Now Custom Fields can be added to the List View making it easier to view Metadata without opening the file.
Expire Consumer User Access
Admins can setup Consumer Users with an expiration date if required.
Text Box (Comments) in the Self-Registration Form
The Self-Registration form now allows users to input comments when registering.
Customize Quick Tags
Quick Tags can now be customized making it easier for users to add Metadata during Upload.
Two Validation Methods for Self-Registration
The Self-Registration feature now supports both Email Domain and Invitation Code.