Help Center

Minor Release - OCR, Embargo Time & Self-Registration Updates - June 2020

  • ~ minute read

Canto Version 5.6.3

Optical Character Recognition for PDFs

The OCR feature is now available for PDFs.

OCR is widely used to recognize text inside images, such as scanned documents. 

Please contact your Canto Account Manager to activate this feature in the Canto backend and make sure to enable it within your Canto account under Settings > Configuration Options > Recognition

In Preview View:

Multi-select options:

In Settings > Configuration Options > Recognition

Embargo Time

You will now be able to select a specific time along with the approval date. This will be based on the time zone set for your Canto account. 

Self-Registration Updates

  • A future date can now be set for registrations
  • You can now set the role of the users who will be registering
  • You can now select the groups for the users who will be registering

Manage Curated Content (Specific Users/Groups)

In the details view of the album, you can now find a setting to allow specific users or groups to manage the curated content.


Read embedded IPTC Usage Terms metadata to Terms & Conditions field

If a file already contains IPTC Usage Terms metadata, it will be automatically read and stored as a Canto Terms & Conditions field.


Top Search Terms Report includes search terms with no results

When you now export the Top Search Terms report it also displays search terms with no results. 


Hot Storage/Cold Storage information

The folders and album details page now shows hot storage and cold storage information. This information can also be found when exporting the metadata CSV.


Additional Privileges for Contributors and Custom Role Users

Contributors and Custom Role users might now have the permissions to manage Metadata Templates, DRM and the Custom Configuration options.


Option to turn off Portal/Workspace Name

You can now find a setting on the Portal Info page to turn off the Portal or Workspace name from being displayed. 


Setting to turn off recent search terms

In user profile preferences, a setting to turn off recent search terms can now be found.

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