Canto Version 5.5.6
Canto Microsoft Office Connector (Add-on Feature):
This add-on allows your team to search your Canto image library and directly insert images into Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint. Depending on a users’ defined permissions, they may select a Portal, Workspace, Style Guide or the Main Library and browse content within an expandable window.
The Canto Microsoft Office Connector works for Word and PowerPoint on PC, macOS and Office 365 online.
Stream Videos from Canto using the Embed Video Feature (Add-on Feature):
Users with this add-on will be able to embed a video playback script on web pages in order to stream videos to viewers around the world. In the Direct URLs section of the asset details screen, accounts with this add-on will now see an Embed Video option.
Click on the Embed Video button and input the desired width & height and the format and Canto will generate the script. Users will also receive an email with the script, which can then be embedded on a website or any location that supports streaming videos.
Videos remain in Canto and use AWS CloudFront CDN to stream videos globally.
To enable this feature, please contact your Account Manager.
Maximum Files in a Curated Album
A curated album can now contain up to 1000 files.
Set Curated View as a Default View in a Portal or Style Guide
In addition to our current Default Content Layout Options - main Library Default View, List View, Thumbnail and Masonry Grid in a Portal & Style Guide, we now support Curated View as one of the default modes.
You may also display curated albums in your Portals or Style Guides.
Users will have to curate the album in the main library first before sharing it to a portal.
If the default option in the portal is set as Curated View and if the Portal does not contain a curated view album, the portal will display the Main Library Default View.
High Quality Thumbnails and Previews
Canto now supports preview images up to 2000px.
Note: For previews, Canto does not scale up an image to 2000px, but displays high quality thumbnails and previews based on the width of the actual display screen and the original image. For example, when viewing a 600px wide image on a screen that is 1280px wide, then Canto will preview a 600px wide image. Similarly, when viewing a 3200px wide image on a 2048px wide screen, then Canto will display a 2000px wide image as the Preview.
For more details, click here.
Contact Sheet - Low Quality, Medium Quality & High Quality Thumbnails:
The contact sheet now supports 3 options - low quality (320px), medium quality (800px) and high quality thumbnails (2000px). This feature is accessible from the Folder and Album details screen.
Sort By Option:
If a user sorts the files using a different order (Alphabetically or Date), Canto will now remember the setting until the end of the user session.
Download Preset - Crop:
Users will now be able to zoom in to an image when using a Download Crop Preset.
Audio Quality Bit Rate:
Canto will now play audio files up to a bit rate of 320 Kbps.
Read Focal Length Data:
Canto will now read Focal Length EXIF metadata. Create a Custom Field called Focal Length and Canto will map the Focal Length EXIF data to that Custom Field.
File Size for an Album:
Canto will now display the total size of the album in the album details section.