Canto Version 5.7.3
Keywords & Custom Fields in other Languages Users will now be able to set Keywords and Custom Fields in other languages. If a field has values in different languages, then the user's language preference will take effect and the corresponding values will be displayed. If the custom field does not have the values in the user's language, then the default values will be displayed.
To make it easy for our customers, there is an Import from CSV option for the Keywords and we will soon extend this to Custom Fields as well.
Canto Connect (Windows) Automatic Sync Functionality Users of our Canto Connect application can now take advantage of the automatic sync capabilities of the app. Once the user has chosen a local folder as the source folder, they can set the sync frequency, choose the destination as either the Main Library or a Workspace and let the Canto Connect app automatically upload all the files from their local drive to Canto.
In Canto, the synced files can now be accessed via a separate section in the Folder tree. And once these files are in the library or their chosen workspace, the files can then be easily identified by the Canto Connect icon on the thumbnail.
We have also added another layer of security for these connected folders:
The files synced from a user's local drive cannot be accessed by other users. Only admins or that user who has a connected folder can invite users access to the connected folder that contains the synced files.
At this point in time, we will only be supporting this for the Windows-based Canto Connect app and will soon release the Mac OS version.
Related Files UI Update: Related Files can be easily identified by an icon on the thumbnail. Click on the Related Files icon on the thumbnail to bring up an overlay displaying all the related files.
From here the user can either unrelate files or create a new relationship. All other toolbar functions such as Share, Edit Metadata would also work.
In the Preview view, we have also removed the disappearing related files section and changed it to appear always and the size of the thumbnails have also been increased.
Collections: Add more files to an existing Share Link Users can now add files to an existing share link. After selecting the files, click on Share and now you will have an option to choose to create a new Share Link or Add to an existing Share Link.
And users who have access to Manage Collection Links can also add files to existing share links created by other users.
Choosing an Existing Link would allow the user to preview and select an existing link.
Custom Fields - Radio Button & Checkbox Style: Admins can now set up either a radio button (Single Choice) or a checkbox style (Single Choice & Multiple Choice Fields) custom fields.
Custom Sorting Option for Portals You can now custom sort Folders or Albums in a Portal. When setting up a Portal, under the Content tab, you would now see an option to Custom Sort the tree. Drag & drop the folder or album to change the order.
UI Update: Upload Links All Settings for an Upload Link can now be found under the Settings tab when creating or editing an upload link.
Upload Link: Set status when importing files When files in an Upload Link are set to automatically import, now you can also define the status for those files.
Download Files as TIFF In addition to JPG & PNG file formats, when downloading a TIF file, you can keep the original TIFF format, but only as RGB and not CMYK.
Deleted Files Email Notification When files are deleted from the Main Library or Workspace, admins can now choose to get notified.
Office & Adobe Connector Updates
- Both Connectors will now display My Uploads, My Collections & Following Files in the Folder Tree.
- Support all file types.
- Outlook Connector: Video files, Docs, PDF Formats can be saved as an attachment or as a link.
- Word/PowerPoint: For all formats other than Images, the file can be inserted as a Share Link.