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Canto Version 5.8 - October 18th 2021

  • ~ minute read

Feature Enhencements

  • Workspaces - Settings

    A new privilege setting will now enable Contributors & Custom role users to manage workspaces.
  • Updated Search

    If you are using directURLs or any integration based on the asset's Content ID, Canto will now find assets in the library based on a Content ID search parameter. To find an asset based on the Content ID, simply use the following format #id:{content id} in the search bar.

Feature Updates

  • Collection Links - Customize display

    You will now have the option to toggle on/off the different columns of information available for collection links.
  • Trash Bin - Open deleted Folders & Albums in Trash Bin 

    You will now be able to open deleted folders and albums just like you would open folders and albums in the main library.

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